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Category: CCPA


Chicago Grand Central Looking Up

2024 U.S. regulatory enforcement priorities for data & AI

In late 2023 and early 2024, federal and state regulators signaled their enforcement priorities regarding the use of data and AI. These enforcement priorities range from sweeping investigations into entire labor sectors to targeting specific uses of technology. FEDERAL FTC. The

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Image of computer circuitry in a harsh red tint.

The Risks of LLMs and Generative AI

[Modified version originally published as International Insights Article: Privacy implications for organizations using generative AI, by Lily Li, on OneTrust DataGuidance, June 2023.] Well, the cat is out of the bag – or at least the chat is. Generative AI and

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Flag of California, depicting a large brown bear beside a red star, above the words "California Republic."

CPRA regulations finalized and effective immediately

[Update: On March 30, 2023, the California Chamber of Commerce filed suit against the California Privacy Protection Agency, arguing that the amended regulations should not enter force until once year following finalization of the regulations. The court agreed, holding that enforcement cannot

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